#################################################################### # Perl interface to CommuniGate Pro CLI. # # Version 2.8.7 # # Original location: # Revision history: # # See for the related info. # # Mail your comments and error reports to # License: ############################################################# # Copyright (C) 1998-2014, Stalker Software, Inc. http://www.stalker.com/ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished # to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################## package CGP::CLI; use strict; use Carp; # You may need to change this to "use IO::Socket::INET;" if you have INET.pm use IO::Socket; # You may need to install this module. # See use Digest::MD5; $CGP::SSL_TRANSPORT = 0; $CGP::SECURE_LOGIN = 1; $CGP::WEBUSER_LOGIN = 0; $CGP::TIMEOUT = 60*5-5; # 5 minutes timeout $CGP::ERR_STRING = "No error"; $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK = 200; $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK_INLINE = 201; $CGP::CLI_CODE_PASSWORD = 300; $CGP::CLI_CODE_UNKNOW_USER = 500; $CGP::CLI_CODE_GEN_ERR = 501; $CGP::CLI_CODE_STRANGE = 10000; sub connect { my ($this) = @_; $this->{isConnected}=0; delete $this->{theSocket} if(exists($this->{theSocket})); $this->{theSocket} = new IO::Socket::INET( %{$this->{connParams}} ); unless(defined $this->{theSocket} && $this->{theSocket}) { $CGP::ERR_STRING="Can't open connection to CGPro Server"; return undef; } $this->{theSocket}->autoflush(1); unless($this->_parseResponse()) { $CGP::ERR_STRING="Can't read CGPro Server prompt"; return undef; } if($this->{isSSLTransport}) { require IO::Socket::SSL; $this->send('STLS'); $this->_parseResponse(); IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($this->{theSocket}, %{$this->{connParams}} ); } if($this->{isSecureLogin} && $this->{errMsg} =~ /(\<.*\@.*\>)/) { my $md5=Digest::MD5->new; if($md5) { $md5->add($1.$this->{password}); $this->send('APOP '.$this->{login}.' '.$md5->hexdigest); $this->_parseResponse(); } else { $CGP::ERR_STRING="Can't create MD5 object"; close($this->{theSocket}); return undef; } } elsif($this->{isWebUserLogin}) { $this->send('AUTH WEBUSER '.$this->{login}.' '.$this->{password}); $this->_parseResponse(); } else { $this->send('USER '.$this->{login}); $this->_parseResponse(); unless( $this->{errCode} == $CGP::CLI_CODE_PASSWORD) { $CGP::ERR_STRING="Unexpected answer: ".$this->{errCode}; close($this->{theSocket}); return undef; } $this->send('PASS '.$this->{password}); $this->_parseResponse(); } unless($this->isSuccess) { $CGP::ERR_STRING=$this->{errMsg}; close($this->{theSocket}); return undef; } $this->send('INLINE'); $this->_parseResponse(); $this->setStringsTranslateMode(0); $this->{isConnected}=1; 1; } sub new { my ($class, $params) = @_; my $this = {}; $this->{login} = delete $params->{'login'}; $this->{password} = delete $params->{'password'}; $this->{isSSLTransport} = delete $params->{'SSLTransport'}; $this->{isSecureLogin} = delete $params->{'SecureLogin'}; $this->{isWebUserLogin} = delete $params->{'WebUserLogin'}; $this->{isSSLTransport} = $CGP::SSL_TRANSPORT unless defined $this->{isSSLTransport}; $this->{isSecureLogin} = $CGP::SECURE_LOGIN unless defined $this->{isSecureLogin}; $this->{isWebUserLogin} = $CGP::WEBUSER_LOGIN unless defined $this->{isWebUserLogin}; croak 'You must pass login parameter to CGP::CLI::new' unless defined $this->{login}; croak 'You must pass password parameter to CGP::CLI::new' unless defined $this->{password}; croak 'SecureLogin and WebUserLogin are mutually exclusive' if($this->{isSecureLogin} && $this->{isWebUserLogin}); #print %$params; bless $this, $class; $this->{connParams}=$params; if(!(defined $params->{'connectNow'}) || $params->{'connectNow'}) { unless($this->connect()) { return undef; } } $this; } sub DESTROY { my $this = shift; $this->Logout() if($this->{isConnected}); } sub getErrCode { my $this = shift; return $this->{errCode}; } sub getErrMessage { my $this = shift; return $this->{errMsg}; } sub getErrCommand { my $this = shift; return $this->{'currentCGateCommand'}; } sub isSuccess { my $this = shift; return ($this->{errCode} == $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK || $this->{errCode} == $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK_INLINE); } sub setDebug { my ($this, $debugFlag) = @_; $this->{'debug'} = $debugFlag; } sub setStringsTranslateMode { my ($this, $onFlag) = @_; $this->{'translateStrings'} = $onFlag; } sub Logout { my $this = shift; $this->send('QUIT'); $this->_parseResponse(); $this->{isConnected}=0; } sub NewPassword { my ($this, $newPassword) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->NewPassword($newPassword)' unless defined $newPassword; $this->send('NEWPASS '.$newPassword); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SendCommand { my ($this, $command) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SendCommand($commandString)' unless defined $command; $this->send($command); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetResponseData { my ($this) = @_; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } #################################################################### # Account commands sub ListDomainObjects { my ($this, $domainName,$limit,$filter,$what,$cookie) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListDomainObjects($domainName,$limit[,$filter][,$what][,$cookie])' unless defined $domainName && defined $limit; my $line = "ListDomainObjects $domainName"; $line .= ' FILTER '.$this->printWords($filter) if defined $filter; $line .= " $limit"; $line .= " $what" if $what; $line .= " COOKIE ".$this->printWords($cookie) if defined $cookie; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListAccounts { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ListAccounts'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if $domainName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListDomainTelnums { my ($this, $domainName,$limit,$filter) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListDomainTelnums($domainName,$limit[,$filter])' unless defined $domainName && defined $limit; my $line = "ListDomainTelnums $domainName"; $line .= ' FILTER '.$this->printWords($filter) if defined $filter; $line .= " $limit"; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateAccount { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateAccount(accountName => \'newAccountName\', accountType => \'accountType\', externalFlag => \'externalFlag\', settings => $settings)' unless exists $params{accountName}; my $line = 'CreateAccount '.$params{accountName}; $line .= ' ' . $params{accountType} if exists $params{accountType}; $line .= ' ' . 'external' if exists $params{externalFlag}; $line .= ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings}) if exists $params{settings}; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameAccount { my ($this, $oldAccountName, $newAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameAccount($oldAccountName, $newAccountName)' unless defined $oldAccountName && defined $newAccountName; $this->send('RenameAccount '.$oldAccountName.' into '.$newAccountName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteAccount { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteAccount($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('DeleteAccount '.$accountName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccountType { my ($this, $accountName,$type) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountType($accountName,$type)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $type); $this->send('SetAccountType '.$accountName.' '.$type); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountSettings { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountSettings($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountSettings '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccount { GetAccountSettings(@_); } sub GetAccountEffectiveSettings { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountEffectiveSettings($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountEffectiveSettings '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateAccountSettings { my ($this, $accountName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountSettings($accountName, \%settings)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('UpdateAccountSettings '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($params)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateAccount { UpdateAccountSettings(@_); } sub SetAccountSettings { my ($this, $accountName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountSettings($accountName, \%settings)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('SetAccountSettings '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($params)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccount { SetAccountSettings(@_); } sub SetAccountPassword { my ($this, $accountName, $newPass,$check,$method) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountPassword($accountName, $newPassword,$check,$method)' unless defined $accountName && defined $newPass; my $line = 'SetAccountPassword '.$accountName.' PASSWORD '.$this->printWords($newPass); $line .= ' METHOD '.$method if($method); $line .= ' CHECK' if($check); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub VerifyAccountPassword { my ($this, $accountName, $pass) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->VerifyAccountPassword($accountName, $password)' unless defined $accountName && defined $pass; $this->send('VerifyAccountPassword '.$accountName.' PASSWORD '.$this->printWords($pass)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountAliases { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountAliases($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountAliases '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountAliases { my ($this, $accountName, $aliases) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountAliases($accountName, \@aliases)' unless defined $accountName && defined $aliases; $this->send('SetAccountAliases '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($aliases)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountTelnums { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountTelnums($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountTelnums '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountTelnums { my ($this, $accountName, $aliases) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountTelnums($accountName, \@telnums)' unless defined $accountName && defined $aliases; $this->send('SetAccountTelnums '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($aliases)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountRules { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountRules($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountRules '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountRules { my ($this, $accountName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountRules($accountName, \@rules)' unless defined $accountName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetAccountRules '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountMailRules { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountMailRules($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountMailRules '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountMailRules { my ($this, $accountName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountMailRules($accountName, \@rules)' unless defined $accountName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetAccountMailRules '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateAccountMailRule { my ($this, $accountName, $rule) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountMailRule($accountName, \@rule)' unless defined $accountName && defined $rule; $this->send('UpdateAccountMailRule '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($rule)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountSignalRules { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountSignalRules($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountSignalRules '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountSignalRules { my ($this, $accountName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountSignalRules($accountName, \@rules)' unless defined $accountName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetAccountSignalRules '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateAccountSignalRule { my ($this, $accountName, $rule) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountSignalRule($accountName, \@rule)' unless defined $accountName && defined $rule; $this->send('UpdateAccountSignalRule '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($rule)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountRPOPs { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountRPOPs($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountRPOPs '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountRPOPs { my ($this, $accountName, $newRecords) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountRPOPs($accountName, \@newRecords)' unless defined $accountName && defined $newRecords; $this->send('SetAccountRPOPs '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newRecords)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountRSIPs { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountRSIPs($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountRSIPs '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountRSIPs { my ($this, $accountName, $newRecords) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountRPSIs($accountName, \@newRecords)' unless defined $accountName && defined $newRecords; $this->send('SetAccountRSIPs '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newRecords)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateScheduledTask { my ($this, $accountName, $taskData) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateScheduledTask($accountName, \@taskData)' unless defined $accountName && defined $taskData; $this->send('UpdateScheduledTask '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($taskData)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountRPOP { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountRPOP($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountRPOP '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountRPOP { my ($this, $accountName, $newRecords) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountRPOP($accountName, \@newRecords)' unless defined $accountName && defined $newRecords; $this->send('SetAccountRPOP '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newRecords)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountRights { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountRights($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('GetAccountRights '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountRights { my ($this, $account, $list) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountRigthts($acount, \@list)' unless defined $account && defined $list; my $line = 'SetAccountRights '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($list); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountInfo { my ($this, $account, $key) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountInfo($account[,$key | ($key1,...)])' unless defined $account; my $line='GetAccountInfo '.$account; if(defined $key) { if(ref($key) eq 'ARRAY') { $line.=' '.$this->printWords($key); } else { $line.=' Key '.$this->printWords($key); } } $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetWebUser { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetWebUser($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('GetWebUser '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountPrefs { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountPrefs($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('GetAccountPrefs '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetWebUser { my ($this, $account, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetWebUser($acount, \%settings)' unless defined $account && defined $settings; my $line = 'SetWebUser '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($settings); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccountPrefs { my ($this, $account, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountPrefs($acount, \%settings)' unless defined $account && defined $settings; my $line = 'SetAccountPrefs '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($settings); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateAccountPrefs { my ($this, $account, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountPrefs($acount, \%settings)' unless defined $account && defined $settings; my $line = 'UpdateAccountPrefs '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($settings); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetEffectiveWebUser { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetEffectiveWebUser($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('GetEffectiveWebUser '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountEffectivePrefs { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountEffectivePrefs($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('GetAccountEffectivePrefs '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub KillAccountSessions { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->KillAccountSessions($account)' unless defined $account; $this->send('KillAccountSessions '.$account); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountACL { my ($this, $account,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountACL($accountName [,authAccountName])' unless defined $account; my $line = 'GetAccountACL '.$account; $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if($authAccountName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountACL { my ($this, $account, $newACL,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountACL($acountACL, \%newACL [,$authAccountName])' unless defined $account && defined $newACL; my $line = 'SetAccountACL '.$account; $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if($authAccountName); $line.=' '.$this->printWords($newACL); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountACLRights { my ($this, $account,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountACLRights($accountName ,authAccountName)' unless (defined $account && defined $authAccountName); my $line = 'GetAccountACLRights '.$account.' AUTH '.$authAccountName ; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountPresence { my ($this, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountPresence($accountName)' unless (defined $account); my $line = 'GetAccountPresence '.$account; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ################################################################# # Group managent commands sub ListGroups { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ListGroups'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if $domainName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateGroup { my ($this, $groupName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateGroup($groupName[, \%params])' unless defined $groupName; my $line = 'CreateGroup '.$groupName; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($params) if $params; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameGroup { my ($this, $oldGroupName, $newGroupName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameGroup($oldGroupName, $newGroupName)' unless defined $oldGroupName && defined $newGroupName; $this->send('RenameGroup '.$oldGroupName.' into '.$newGroupName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteGroup { my ($this, $groupName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteGroup($groupName)' unless defined $groupName; $this->send('DeleteGroup '.$groupName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetGroup { my ($this, $groupName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetGroup($groupName)' unless defined $groupName; $this->send('GetGroup '.$groupName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetGroup { my ($this, $groupName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetGroup($groupName, \%settings)' unless defined $groupName && defined $params; $this->send('SetGroup '.$groupName.' '.$this->printWords($params)); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # Forwarder managent commands sub ListForwarders { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ListForwarders'; $line .= ' ' .$domainName if $domainName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateForwarder { my ($this, $forwarderName, $address) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateForwarder($forwarderName, $address)' unless defined $forwarderName && defined $address; $this->send('CreateForwarder '.$forwarderName.' TO '.$this->printWords($address)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameForwarder { my ($this, $forwarderName, $newName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameForwarder($forwarderName, $newName)' unless defined $forwarderName && defined $newName; $this->send('RenameForwarder '.$forwarderName.' into '.$newName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteForwarder { my ($this, $forwarderName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteForwarder($forwarderName)' unless defined $forwarderName; $this->send('DeleteForwarder '.$forwarderName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetForwarder { my ($this, $forwarderName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetForwarder($forwarderName)' unless defined $forwarderName; $this->send('GetForwarder '.$forwarderName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub FindForwarders { my ($this, $domain,$forwarderAddress) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->FindForwarders($domainName,$forwarderAddress)' unless (defined $domain && defined $forwarderAddress); $this->send('FindForwarders '.$domain.' TO '.$this->printWords($forwarderAddress)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ################################################################# # Named Tasks managent commands sub ListDomainNamedTasks { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ListDomainNamedTasks'; $line .= ' ' .$domainName if $domainName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListAccountNamedTasks { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListAccountNamedTasks($account)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('ListAccountNamedTasks '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateNamedTask { my ($this, $taskName, $account) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateNamedTask($taskName, $accountName)' unless defined $taskName && defined $account; $this->send('CreateNamedTask '.$taskName.' FOR '.$account); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameNamedTask { my ($this, $taskName, $newName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameNamedTask($taskName, $newName)' unless defined $taskName && defined $newName; $this->send('RenameNamedTask '.$taskName.' into '.$newName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteNamedTask { my ($this, $taskName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteNamedTask($taskName)' unless defined $taskName; $this->send('DeleteNamedTask '.$taskName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetNamedTask { my ($this, $taskName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetNamedTask($taskName)' unless defined $taskName; $this->send('GetNamedTask '.$taskName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateNamedTask { my ($this, $taskName, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateNamedTask($taskName, \%settings)' unless defined $taskName && defined $settings; my $line = 'UpdateNamedTask '.$taskName.' '.$this->printWords($settings); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # Domain managent commands sub ListDomains { my $this = shift; $this->send('ListDomains'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub MainDomainName { my $this = shift; $this->send('MainDomainName'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDomainSettings { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'GetDomainSettings'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDomain { GetDomainSettings(@_); } sub GetDomainEffectiveSettings { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'GetDomainEffectiveSettings'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateDomainSettings { my ($this) = shift; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateDomainSettings(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'UpdateDomainSettings'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line.' '.$this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateDomain { UpdateDomainSettings(@_); } sub SetDomainSettings { my ($this) = shift; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainSettings(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'SetDomainSettings'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line.' '.$this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetDomain { SetDomainSettings(@_); } sub CreateDomain { my ($this,$domainName,$params,$path,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDomain($domainName[, \%params[,$path[,"SHARED"]]])' unless defined $domainName; my $line = 'CreateDomain '.$domainName; $line .= " $shared" if $shared; $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($path) if $path; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($params) if $params; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameDomain { my ($this, $oldDomainName, $newDomainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameDomain($oldDomainName, $newDomainName)' unless defined $oldDomainName && defined $newDomainName; $this->send('RenameDomain '.$oldDomainName.' into '.$newDomainName ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDomain { my ($this, $domainName, $force) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteDomain($domainName[, $force])' unless defined $domainName; my $line = 'DeleteDomain '.$domainName; $line .= ' force' if $force; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SuspendDomain { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SuspendDomain($domainName)' unless defined $domainName; $this->send('SuspendDomain '.$domainName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ResumeDomain { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ResumeDomain($domainName)' unless defined $domainName; $this->send('ResumeDomain '.$domainName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub CreateSharedDomain { my ($this, $domainName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateSharedDomain($domainName[, \%params])' unless defined $domainName; my $line = 'CreateSharedDomain '.$domainName; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($params) if $params; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub CreateDomainStorage { my ($this, $path, $shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDomainStorage($path[,"SHARED"])' unless defined $path; my $line = 'CreateDomainStorage'; $line .= ' '.$shared if($shared); $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($path); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListDomainStorage { my ($this, $shared) = @_; my $line = 'ListDomainStorage'; $line .= ' '.$shared if($shared); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateDirectoryDomain { my ($this, $domainName, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDirectoryDomain($domainName[, \%params])' unless defined $domainName; my $line = 'CreateDirectoryDomain '.$domainName; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($params) if $params; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ReloadDirectoryDomains { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('ReloadDirectoryDomains'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDomainRules { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetDomainRules($domainName)' unless defined $domainName; $this->send('GetDomainRules '.$domainName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDomainRules { my ($this, $domainName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainRules($domainName, \@rules)' unless defined $domainName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetDomainRules '.$domainName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDomainMailRules { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetDomainMailRules($domainName)' unless defined $domainName; $this->send('GetDomainMailRules '.$domainName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDomainMailRules { my ($this, $domainName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainMailRules($domainName, \@rules)' unless defined $domainName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetDomainMailRules '.$domainName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateDomainMailRule { # my ($this, $domainName, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateDomainMailRules($domainName, \@rule)' # unless defined $domainName && defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateDomainMailRule '.$domainName.' '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub GetDomainSignalRules { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetDomainSignalRules($domainName)' unless defined $domainName; $this->send('GetDomainSignalRules '.$domainName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDomainSignalRules { my ($this, $domainName, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainSignalRules($domainName, \@rules)' unless defined $domainName && defined $rules; $this->send('SetDomainSignalRules '.$domainName.' '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateDomainSignalRule { # my ($this, $domainName, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateDomainSignalRules($domainName, \@rule)' # unless defined $domainName && defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateDomainSignalRule '.$domainName.' '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub CreateAccountStorage { my ($this, $domain,$path) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateAccountStorage($domain,$path)' unless defined $domain && defined $path; my $line = 'CreateAccountStorage'; $line .= ' '.$domain; $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($path); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListAccountStorage { my ($this, $domain) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListAccountStorage($domain)' unless defined $domain; my $line = 'ListAccountStorage'; $line .= ' '.$domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDomainAliases { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetDomainAliases'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDomainAliases { my ($this, $domain, $aliases) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainAliases($domainName, \@aliases)' unless defined $domain && defined $aliases; $this->send('SetDomainAliases '.$domain.' '.$this->printWords($aliases)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListAdminDomains { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'ListAdminDomains'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub InsertDirectoryRecords { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'InsertDirectoryRecords'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDirectoryRecords { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'DeleteDirectoryRecords'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerTrustedCerts { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerTrustedCerts'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerTrustedCerts { my ( $this, $certs ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerTrustedCerts(\@certs)' unless defined $certs; $this->send('SetServerTrustedCerts '.$this->printWords($certs)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterTrustedCerts { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterTrustedCerts'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterTrustedCerts { my ( $this, $certs ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterTrustedCerts(\@certs)' unless defined $certs; $this->send('SetClusterTrustedCerts '.$this->printWords($certs)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDirectoryIntegration { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetDirectoryIntegration'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDirectoryIntegration { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDirectoryIntegration(\%settings)' unless defined $dict; $this->send('SetDirectoryIntegration '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterDirectoryIntegration { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterDirectoryIntegration'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterDirectoryIntegration { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterDirectoryIntegration(\%settings)' unless defined $dict; $this->send('SetClusterDirectoryIntegration '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDomainDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetDomainDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateDomainDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateDomainDefaults(\%settings)' unless defined $dict; $this->send('UpdateDomainDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetDomainDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainDefaults(\%settings)' unless defined $dict; $this->send('SetDomainDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterDomainDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterDomainDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateClusterDomainDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateClusterDomainDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterDomainDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetClusterDomainDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAllAccountsDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetAllAccountsDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateAllAccountsDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateAllAccountsDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAllAccountsDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetAllAccountsDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerAccountDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerAccountDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateServerAccountDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateServerAccountDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetServerAccountDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetServerAccountDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterAccountDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterAccountDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateClusterAccountDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateClusterAccountDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterAccountDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetClusterAccountDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerWebUserDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerWebUserDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetServerAccountPrefs { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerAccountPrefs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerWebUserDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetServerWebUserDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetServerAccountPrefs { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetServerAccountPrefs '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateServerAccountPrefs { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateServerAccountPrefs '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterWebUserDefaults { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterWebUserDefaults'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterAccountPrefs { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterAccountPrefs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterWebUserDefaults { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetClusterWebUserDefaults '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterAccountPrefs { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('SetClusterAccountPrefs '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateClusterAccountPrefs { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; $this->send('UpdateClusterAccountPrefs '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDomainLocation { my ( $this, $account ) = @_; $this->send('GetDomainLocation '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountLocation { my ( $this, $account ) = @_; $this->send('GetAccountLocation '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListServerTelnums { my ($this, $limit,$filter) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListServerTelnums($limit[,$filter])' unless defined $limit; my $line = "ListServerTelnums"; $line .= ' FILTER '.$this->printWords($filter) if defined $filter; $line .= " $limit"; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListClusterTelnums { my ($this, $limit,$filter) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListClusterTelnums($limit[,$filter])' unless defined $limit; my $line = "ListClusterTelnums"; $line .= ' FILTER '.$this->printWords($filter) if defined $filter; $line .= " $limit"; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountDefaults { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetAccountDefaults'; $line .= ' '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateAccountDefaults { my ($this) = shift; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountDefaults(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'UpdateAccountDefaults'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccountDefaults { my ($this) = shift; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountDefaults(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'SetAccountDefaults'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetWebUserDefaults { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetWebUserDefaults'; $line .= ' '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountDefaultPrefs { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetAccountDefaultPrefs'; $line .= ' '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetWebUserDefaults { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetWebUserDefaults(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'SetWebUserDefaults'; $line .= ' ' .$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccountDefaultPrefs { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountDefaultPrefs(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'SetAccountDefaultPrefs'; $line .= ' ' .$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateWebUserDefaults { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateWebUserDefaults(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'UpdateWebUserDefaults'; $line .= ' ' .$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub UpdateAccountDefaultPrefs { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountDefaultPrefs(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'UpdateAccountDefaultPrefs'; $line .= ' ' .$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line . ' ' . $this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountTemplate { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetAccountTemplate'; $line .= ' '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateAccountTemplate { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateAccountTemplate(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'UpdateAccountTemplate'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line.' '.$this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetAccountTemplate { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountTemplate(domain => \'domainName\',settings => {settings})' unless exists $params{settings}; my $line = 'SetAccountTemplate'; $line .= ' '.$params{domain} if exists $params{domain}; $this->send($line.' '.$this->printWords($params{settings})); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # Mailbox managent commands sub ListMailboxes { my ($this) = shift;; my %params = (@_); croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListMailboxes(accountName => \'account\',filter => \'*\',authAccountName => \'extAccount\')' unless exists $params{accountName}; my $line = 'ListMailboxes '.$params{accountName}; $line .= ' FILTER '.$this->printWords($params{filter}) if exists $params{filter}; $line .= ' AUTH '.$params{authAccountName} if exists $params{authAccountName}; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateMailbox { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName,$class) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateMailbox(accountName,mailboxName,[authAccountName],[class])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName); my $line = 'CREATEMAILBOX '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if($authAccountName); $line .= ' CLASS '.$class if($class); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameMailbox { my ($this,$accountName,$oldMailboxName,$newMailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameMailbox(accountName,oldMailboxName,newMailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $oldMailboxName && defined $newMailboxName); my $line = 'RENAMEMAILBOX '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($oldMailboxName); $line .= ' INTO '.$this->printWords($newMailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameMailboxes { my ($this,$accountName,$oldMailboxName,$newMailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameMailboxes(accountName,oldMailboxName,newMailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $oldMailboxName && defined $newMailboxName); my $line = 'RENAMEMAILBOX '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOXES '.$this->printWords($oldMailboxName); $line .= ' INTO '.$this->printWords($newMailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteMailbox { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteMailbox(accountName,mailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName); my $line = 'DELETEMAILBOX '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteMailboxes { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteMailboxes(accountName,mailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName); my $line = 'DELETEMAILBOX '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOXES '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMailboxInfo { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMailboxInfo(accountName,mailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName); my $line = 'GETMAILBOXINFO '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetMailboxACL { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMailboxACL(accountName,mailboxName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName); my $line = 'GETMAILBOXACL '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetMailboxACL { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$newACL,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetMailboxACL(accountName,mailboxName,\@newACL[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName && defined $newACL); my $line = 'SETMAILBOXACL '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if defined $authAccountName; $this->send($line.' '.$this->printWords($newACL)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMailboxRights { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMailboxRights(accountName,mailboxName,authAccountName)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName && defined $authAccountName); my $line = 'GETMAILBOXRIGHTS '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetMailboxClass { my ($this,$accountName,$mailboxName,$class,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetMailboxClass(accountName,mailboxName,class [,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $mailboxName && defined $class); my $line = 'SetMailboxClass '.$accountName; $line .= ' MAILBOX '.$this->printWords($mailboxName); $line .= ' AUTH '.$authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $line .= ' CLASS '.$class; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountSubscription { my ($this,$accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountSubscription(accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountSubscription '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountSubscription { my ($this,$accountName,$newSubscription) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountSubscription(accountName,\%newSubscription)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $newSubscription); $this->send('SetAccountSubscription '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newSubscription)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMailboxSubscription { my ($this,$accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMailboxSubscription(accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetMailboxSubscription '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetMailboxSubscription { my ($this,$accountName,$newSubscription) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetMailboxSubscription(accountName,\%newSubscription)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $newSubscription); $this->send('SetMailboxSubscription '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newSubscription)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMailboxAliases { my ($this,$accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMailboxAliases(accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetMailboxAliases '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetMailboxAliases { my ($this,$accountName,$newAliases) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetMailboxAliases(accountName,\%newAliases)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $newAliases); $this->send('SetMailboxAliases '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newAliases)); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # Alerts Administration sub GetDomainAlerts { my ($this, $domain) = @_; my $line = 'GetDomainAlerts'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDomainAlerts { my ($this, $domain, $alerts) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDomainAlerts($domainName, \@alerts)' unless defined $domain && defined $alerts; $this->send('SetDomainAlerts '.$domain.' '.$this->printWords($alerts)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub PostDomainAlert { my ($this, $domain, $alert) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PostDomainAlert($domainName, $alertString)' unless defined $domain && defined $alert; $this->send('PostDomainAlert '.$domain.' ALERT '.$this->printWords($alert)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RemoveDomainAlert { my ($this, $domain, $timeStamp) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RemoveDomainAlert($domainName, $timeStamp)' unless defined $domain && defined $timeStamp; $this->send('RemoveDomainAlert '.$domain.' ALERT '.$timeStamp); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetAccountAlerts { my ($this, $account) = @_; $this->send('GetAccountAlerts '.$account); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetAccountAlerts { my ($this, $account, $alerts) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetAccountAlerts($account, \@alerts)' unless defined $account && defined $alerts; $this->send('SetAccountAlerts '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($alerts)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub PostAccountAlert { my ($this, $account, $alert) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PostAccountAlert($account, $alertString)' unless defined $account && defined $alert; $this->send('PostAccountAlert '.$account.' ALERT '.$this->printWords($alert)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RemoveAccountAlert { my ($this, $account, $timeStamp) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RemoveAccountAlert($account, $timeStamp)' unless defined $account && defined $timeStamp; $this->send('RemoveAccountAlert '.$account.' ALERT '.$timeStamp); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerAlerts { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetServerAlerts'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerAlerts { my ($this, $alerts) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerAlerts(\@alerts)' unless defined $alerts; $this->send('SetServerAlerts '.$this->printWords($alerts)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub PostServerAlert { my ($this, $alert) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PostServerAlert($alertString)' unless defined $alert; $this->send('PostServerAlert '.$this->printWords($alert)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RemoveServerAlert { my ($this, $timeStamp) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RemoveServerAlert($timeStamp)' unless defined $timeStamp; $this->send('RemoveServerAlert '.$timeStamp); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterAlerts { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterAlerts'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterAlerts { my ($this, $alerts) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterAlerts(\@alerts)' unless defined $alerts; $this->send('SetClusterAlerts '.$this->printWords($alerts)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub PostClusterAlert { my ($this, $alert) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PostClusterAlert($alertString)' unless defined $alert; $this->send('PostClusterAlert '.$this->printWords($alert)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RemoveClusterAlert { my ($this, $timeStamp) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RemoveClusterAlert($timeStamp)' unless defined $timeStamp; $this->send('RemoveClusterAlert '.$timeStamp); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # Personal Web Site Administration sub GetWebFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$position,$sliceSize) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetWebFile(accountName,fileName[,position,sliceSize])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName); my $line='GetWebFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= ' OFFSET '. $position if(defined $position && $position!=0); $line .= ' SIZE '. $sliceSize if(defined $sliceSize); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub PutWebFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$data,$position) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PutWebFile(accountName,fileName,data [,position])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName && defined $data); my $line='PutWebFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= ' OFFSET '. $position if(defined $position && $position!=0); if($data=~/\[.*\]$/) { $line .= ' DATA '.$data; } else { $line .= ' DATA ['.$data.']'; } $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse; } sub RenameWebFile { my ($this,$accountName,$oldFileName,$newFileName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameWebFile(accountName,oldFileName,newFileName)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $oldFileName && defined $newFileName); $this->send('RenameWebFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($oldFileName).' INTO '.$this->printWords($newFileName)); $this->_parseResponse; } sub DeleteWebFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteWebFile(accountName,fileName)' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName); $this->send('DeleteWebFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); $this->_parseResponse; } sub ListWebFiles { my ($this,$accountName,$filePath) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListWebFiles(accountName [,filePath])' unless defined $accountName; my $line = 'ListWebFiles '.$accountName; $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($filePath) if $filePath; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetWebFilesInfo { my ($this,$accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->InfoWebFiles(accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetWebFilesInfo '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ################################################################# # File Storage Administration sub ReadStorageFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$position,$sliceSize,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadStorageFile(accountName,fileName[,position,sliceSize[,authAccountName]])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName); my $line='ReadStorageFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= ' OFFSET '. $position if(defined $position && $position!=0); $line .= ' SIZE '. $sliceSize if(defined $sliceSize); $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub WriteStorageFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$data,$position,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->WriteStorageFile(accountName,fileName,data [,position[,authAccountName]])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName && defined $data); my $line='WriteStorageFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= ' OFFSET '. $position if(defined $position && $position!=0); if($data=~/\[.*\]$/) { $line .= ' DATA '.$data; } else { $line .= ' DATA ['.$data.']'; } $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse; } sub RenameStorageFile { my ($this,$accountName,$oldFileName,$newFileName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameStorageFile(accountName,oldFileName,newFileName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $oldFileName && defined $newFileName); my $line='RenameStorageFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($oldFileName).' INTO '.$this->printWords($newFileName); $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse; } sub DeleteStorageFile { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteStorageFile(accountName,fileName[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName); my $line='DeleteStorageFile '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse; } sub ListStorageFiles { my ($this,$accountName,$filePath,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListStorageFiles(accountName [,filePath[,authAccountName]])' unless defined $accountName; my $line = 'ListStorageFiles '.$accountName; $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($filePath) if $filePath; $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetStorageFileInfo { my ($this,$accountName,$filePath,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetStorageFileInfo(accountName[,filePath[,authAccountName])' unless defined $accountName; my $line='GetStorageFileInfo '.$accountName; $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($filePath) if $filePath; $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadStorageFileAttr { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$atributes,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadStorageFileAttr(accountName,fileName[,attributes[,authAccountName]])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName); my $line='ReadStorageFileAttr '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName); $line .= $atributes if(defined $atributes); $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateStorageFileAttr { my ($this,$accountName,$fileName,$attributes,$authAccountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateStorageFileAttr(accountName,fileName,attributes[,authAccountName])' unless (defined $accountName && defined $fileName && defined $attributes); my $line='UpdateStorageFileAttr '.$accountName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' '.$attributes; $line .= ' AUTH '. $authAccountName if(defined $authAccountName); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse; } sub GetFileSubscription { my ($this, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetFileSubscription($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetFileSubscription '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetFileSubscription { my ($this, $accountName, $newSubscription) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetFileSubscription($accountName, \@newSubscription)' unless defined $accountName && defined $newSubscription; $this->send('SetFileSubscription '.$accountName.' '.$this->printWords($newSubscription)); $this->_parseResponse(); } ################################################################# # List management commands sub ListLists { my ( $this, $domain ) = @_; my $line = 'LISTLISTS'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDomainLists { my ( $this, $domain ) = @_; my $line = 'GetDomainLists'; $line .= ' '.$domain if $domain; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetAccountLists { my ( $this, $accountName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccoountLists($accountName)' unless defined $accountName; $this->send('GetAccountLists '.$accountName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse; $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateList { my ($this, $listName, $accountName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateList($listName, $accountName)' unless defined $listName && defined $accountName; $this->send('CREATELIST '.$listName.' for '.$accountName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameList { my ($this, $oldListName, $newListName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameList($oldListName, $newListName)' unless defined $oldListName && defined $newListName; $this->send('RENAMELIST '.$oldListName.' into '.$newListName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteList { my ( $this, $listName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteList($listName)' unless defined $listName; $this->send('DELETELIST '.$listName); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetList { my ( $this, $listName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetList($listName)' unless defined $listName; $this->send('GETLIST '.$listName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateList { my ( $this, $listName, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateList($listName,\%params)' unless defined $listName && defined $dict; $this->send('UPDATELIST '.$listName.' '.$this->printWords($dict) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub List { my ( $this, $listName, $command, $subscriber, @options ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->List($listName, $command, $subscriber, @options)' unless defined $listName && defined $command && defined $subscriber; $this->send('LIST '.$listName.' '.$command.' '.join(' ',@options).' '.$subscriber); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListSubscribers { my ( $this, $listName,$filter,$limit ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListSubscribers($listName [,$filter[,$limit]])' unless defined $listName; my $line = 'ListSubscribers '.$listName; $line .= ' FILTER '. ($filter eq '' ? '""' : $this->printWords($filter)) if($filter || $limit); $line .= " $limit" if($limit); $this->send($line ); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetSubscriberInfo { my ( $this, $listName,$address ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetSubscriberInfo($listName ,$subscriberAddress)' unless defined $listName && defined $address; $this->send('GetSubscriberInfo '.$listName.' NAME '.$address); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetPostingMode { my ($this, $listName, $address, $mode) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetPostingMode($listName,$subscriberAddress,$mode)' unless defined $listName && defined $address && defined $mode; $this->send('SetPostingMode '.$listName.' FOR '.$address.' '.$mode); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ProcessBounce { my ($this, $listName, $address, $fatal) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ProcessBounce($listName,$subscriberAddress,"fatal")' unless defined $listName && defined $address; my $line = 'ProcessBounce '.$listName; $line .= ' FATAL' if($fatal); $this->send($line. ' FOR '.$address); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Web Skins Administration sub ListDomainSkins { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ListDomainSkins'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateDomainSkin { my ( $this, $domain, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDomainSkin($domainName,$skinName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin; $this->send('CreateDomainSkin '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameDomainSkin { my ( $this, $domain, $skin, $newName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameDomainSkin($domainName,$oldSkinName,$newSkinName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin && defined $newName; $this->send('RenameDomainSkin '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin).' INTO '.$this->printWords($newName)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDomainSkin { my ( $this, $domain, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteDomainSkin($domainName,$skinName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin; $this->send('DeleteDomainSkin '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListDomainSkinFiles { my ( $this, $domain, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListDomainSkinFiles($domainName,$skinName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin; $this->send('ListDomainSkinFiles '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadDomainSkinFile { my ( $this, $domain, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadDomainSkinFile($domainName,$skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadDomainSkinFile '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreDomainSkinFile { my ( $this, $domain, $skin, $fileName,$base64data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreDomainSkinFile($domainName,$skinName,$fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin && defined $fileName && defined $base64data; $this->send('StoreDomainSkinFile '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA ['.$base64data.']'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDomainSkinFile { my ( $this, $domain, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteDomainSkinFile($domainName,$skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $domain && defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreDomainSkinFile '.$domain.' SKIN '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } #-- sub ListServerSkins { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('ListServerSkins'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateServerSkin { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateServerSkin($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('CreateServerSkin '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameServerSkin { my ( $this, $skin, $newName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameServerSkin($oldSkinName,$newSkinName)' unless defined $skin && defined $newName; $this->send('RenameServerSkin '.$this->printWords($skin).' INTO '.$this->printWords($newName)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteServerSkin { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteServerSkin($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('DeleteServerSkin '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListServerSkinFiles { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListServerSkinFiles($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('ListServerSkinFiles '.$this->printWords($skin)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadServerSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadServerSkinFile($skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadServerSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreServerSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName,$data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreServerSkinFile($skinName,$fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName && defined $data; $this->send('StoreServerSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA ['.$data.']'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteServerSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteServerSkinFile($skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreServerSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } #-- sub ListClusterSkins { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('ListClusterSkins'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateClusterSkin { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateClusterSkin($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('CreateClusterSkin '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RenameClusterSkin { my ( $this, $skin, $newName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RenameClusterSkin($oldSkinName,$newSkinName)' unless defined $skin && defined $newName; $this->send('RenameClusterSkin '.$this->printWords($skin).' INTO '.$this->printWords($newName)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteClusterSkin { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteClusterSkin($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('DeleteClusterSkin '.$this->printWords($skin)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListClusterSkinFiles { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListClusterSkinFiles($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('ListClusterSkinFiles '.$this->printWords($skin)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadClusterSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadClusterSkinFile($skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadClusterSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreClusterSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName,$data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreClusterSkinFile($skinName,$fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName && defined $data; $this->send('StoreClusterSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA ['.$data.']'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteClusterSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteClusterSkinFile($skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreClusterSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListStockSkinFiles { my ( $this, $skin ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListStockSkinFiles($skinName)' unless defined $skin; $this->send('ListStockSkinFiles '.$this->printWords($skin)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadStockSkinFile { my ( $this, $skin, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadStockSkinFile($skinName,$fileName)' unless defined $skin && defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadStockSkinFile '.$this->printWords($skin).' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ############################################# # Web Interface Tuning sub ListWebUserInterface { my ($this, $domainName, $path) = @_; my $line = 'ListWebUserInterface'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $line .= ' PATH '.$this->printWords($path) if($path); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetWebUserInterface { my ($this, $domainName, $path) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetWebUserInterface($domainName, $fileName)' unless defined $domainName && defined $path; my $line = 'GetWebUserInterface '.$domainName.' FILE '.$this->printWords($path); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub PutWebUserInterface { my ($this, $domainName, $path, $data) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->PutWebUserInterface($domainName, $fileName, $base64data)' unless defined $domainName && defined $path && defined $data; my $line = 'PutWebUserInterface '.$domainName; $line .= ' FILE '.$this->printWords($path).' DATA ['.$data.']'; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteWebUserInterface { my ($this, $domainName, $path) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteWebUserInterface($domainName, $fileName)' unless defined $domainName && defined $path; my $line = 'DeleteWebUserInterface '; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $line .= ' FILE '.$this->printWords($path) if($path); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ClearWebUserCache { my ($this, $domainName) = @_; my $line = 'ClearWebUserCache'; $line .= ' '.$domainName if($domainName); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Web Interface Integration sub CreateWebUserSession { my ($this, $accountName, $ipAddress, $wml,$skin,$origAddress) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateWebUserSession($accountName, $IP_Address[, "WML"[,"mySkin"]][,$origAddress )' unless defined $accountName && defined $ipAddress; my $line='CreateWebUserSession '.$accountName.' ADDRESS '.$ipAddress; $line .= " FOR $origAddress" if($origAddress); $line .= " $wml" if($wml); $line .= " SKIN $skin" if($skin); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub CreateXIMSSSession { my ($this, $accountName, $ipAddress,$origAddress) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateXIMSSSession($accountName, $IP_Address,[$origAddress] )' unless defined $accountName && defined $ipAddress; my $line='CreateXIMSSSession '.$accountName.' ADDRESS '.$ipAddress; $line .= " FOR $origAddress" if($origAddress); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub FindWebUserSession { my ($this, $accountName,$address) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->FindWebUserSession($accountName [,$address])' unless defined $accountName; my $line='FindWebUserSession '.$accountName; $line .= ' ADDRESS '.$address if($address); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetWebUserSession { my ($this, $sessionID,$domain) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetWebUserSession($sessionID [,$domain])' unless defined $sessionID; my $line='GetWebUserSession '.$sessionID; $line .= ' DOMAIN '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub FindAccountSession { my ($this, $accountName,$address,$proxiedAddress,$protocol,$transport,$client) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->FindAccountSession($accountName [,$address,$proxiedAddress,$protocol,$transport,$client])' unless defined $accountName; my $line='FindAccountSession '.$accountName; $line .= ' ADDRESS '.$address if($address); $line .= ' FOR '.$proxiedAddress if($proxiedAddress); $line .= ' PROTOCOL '.$protocol if($protocol); $line .= ' TRANSPORT '.$transport if($transport); $line .= ' CLIENT '.$client if($client); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ListAccountSessions { my ($this, $accountName,$address,$proxiedAddress,$protocol,$transport,$client) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->FindAccountSession($accountName [,$address,$proxiedAddress,$protocol,$transport,$client])' unless defined $accountName; my $line='ListAccountSessions '.$accountName; $line .= ' ADDRESS '.$address if($address); $line .= ' FOR '.$proxiedAddress if($proxiedAddress); $line .= ' PROTOCOL '.$protocol if($protocol); $line .= ' TRANSPORT '.$transport if($transport); $line .= ' CLIENT '.$client if($client); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetSession { my ($this, $sessionID,$domain) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetSession($sessionID [,$domain])' unless defined $sessionID; my $line='GetSession '.$sessionID; $line .= ' DOMAIN '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub KillWebUserSession { my ($this, $sessionID,$domain) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->KillWebUserSession($sessionID [,$domain])' unless defined $sessionID; my $line='KillWebUserSession '.$sessionID; $line .= ' DOMAIN '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub KillSession { my ($this, $sessionID,$domain) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->KillSession($sessionID [,$domain])' unless defined $sessionID; my $line='KillSession '.$sessionID; $line .= ' DOMAIN '.$domain if($domain); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Real-Time Application Administration sub CreateDomainPBX { my ( $this, $domain, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDomainPBX($domainName,$language)' unless defined $domain; my $line = 'CreateDomainPBX '.$domain; $line .= ' FILE '.$this->printWords($language) if($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDomainPBX { my ( $this, $domain, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Deleref($ret)teDomainPBX($domainName,$language)' unless defined $domain && defined $language; my $line = 'DeleteDomainPBX '.$domain . ' FILE '.$this->printWords($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListDomainPBXFiles { my ($this, $domain,$language) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ListDomainPBXFiles($domainName,$language)' unless defined $domain; my $line = 'ListDomainPBXFiles '.$domain; $line .= ' FILE '.$this->printWords($language) if($language); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadDomainPBXFile { my ( $this, $domain, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadDomainPBXFile($domainName,$fileName)' unless defined $domain && defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadDomainPBXFile '.$domain.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreDomainPBXFile { my ( $this, $domain, $fileName,$base64data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreDomainPBXFile($domainName,$fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $domain && defined $fileName && defined $base64data; $base64data='['.$base64data.']' unless($base64data=~/^\[.*\]$/); $this->send('StoreDomainPBXFile '.$domain.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA '.$base64data); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteDomainPBXFile { my ( $this, $domain, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteDomainPBXFile($domainName,$fileName)' unless defined $domain && defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreDomainPBXFile '.$domain.' FILE '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } #-- sub CreateServerPBX { my ( $this, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateServerPBX($language)' unless defined $language; my $line = 'CreateServerPBX '.$this->printWords($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteServerPBX { my ( $this, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteServerPBX($language)' unless defined $language; my $line = 'DeleteServerPBX ' .$this->printWords($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListServerPBXFiles { my ($this,$language) = @_; my $line = 'ListServerPBXFiles '; $line .= $this->printWords($language) if($language); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadServerPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadServerPBXFile($fileName)' unless defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadServerPBXFile '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreServerPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName,$base64data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreServerPBXFile($fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $fileName && defined $base64data; $base64data='['.$base64data.']' unless($base64data=~/^\[.*\]$/); $this->send('StoreServerPBXFile ' .$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA '.$base64data); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteServerPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteServerPBXFile($fileName)' unless defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreServerPBXFile '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } #-- sub CreateClusterPBX { my ( $this, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateClusterPBX($language)' unless defined $language; my $line = 'CreateClusterPBX ' .$this->printWords($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteClusterPBX { my ( $this, $language ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteClusterPBX($language)' unless defined $language; my $line = 'DeleteClusterPBX ' .$this->printWords($language); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListClusterPBXFiles { my ($this,$language) = @_; my $line = 'ListClusterPBXFiles '; $line .= $this->printWords($language) if($language); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadClusterPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadClusterPBXFile($fileName)' unless defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadClusterPBXFile '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub StoreClusterPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName,$base64data ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StoreClusterPBXFile($fileName,$base64data)' unless defined $fileName && defined $base64data; $base64data='['.$base64data.']' unless($base64data=~/^\[.*\]$/); $this->send('StoreClusterPBXFile ' .$this->printWords($fileName).' DATA '.$base64data); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DeleteClusterPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteClusterPBXFile($fileName)' unless defined $fileName; $this->send('StoreClusterPBXFile '.$this->printWords($fileName).' DELETE'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ListStockPBXFiles { my ($this,$language) = @_; my $line = 'ListStockPBXFiles '; $line .= $this->printWords($language) if($language); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ReadStockPBXFile { my ( $this, $fileName ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadStockPBXFile($fileName)' unless defined $fileName; $this->send('ReadStockPBXFile '.$this->printWords($fileName)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ############################################# # Real-Time Application Control sub StartPBXTask { my ($this, $account,$program,$entry,$param) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->StartPBXTask($account,$program[,$entryName,$param])' unless (defined $account && defined $program); my $line = "StartPBXTask $account PROGRAM $program"; $line .= ' ENTRY '.$entry if($entry); $line .= ' PARAM '.$param if($param); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SendTaskEvent { my ($this, $taskID,$eventName,$param) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SendTaskEvent($taskID,$eventName[,$param])' unless (defined $taskID && defined $eventName); my $line = "SendTaskEvent $taskID EVENT ".$this->printWords($eventName); $line .= ' PARAM '.$param if($param); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub KillNode { my ($this, $taskID) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->KillNode($taskID)' unless (defined $taskID); my $line = "KillNode $taskID"; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ReadNodeStatus { my ($this, $taskID) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReadNodeStatus($taskID)' unless (defined $taskID); my $line = "ReadNodeStatus $taskID"; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ############################################# # Account Services sub RemoveAccountSubset { my ($this, $account, $subset) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RemoveAccountSubset($account,$subset)' unless defined $account && defined $subset; $this->send('RemoveAccountSubset '.$account.' SUBSET '.$this->printWords($subset)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); } sub Dataset { my ($this, $account, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Dataset($account,\%params)' unless defined $account && defined $params; $this->send('Dataset '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($params)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub Roster { my ($this, $account, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Roster($account,\%params)' unless defined $account && defined $params; $this->send('Roster '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($params)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub Balance { my ($this, $account, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Balance($account,\%params)' unless defined $account && defined $params; $this->send('Balance '.$account.' '.$this->printWords($params)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ############################################# # Server Settings sub ListModules { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('ListModules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetModule { my ( $this, $moduleName ) = @_; $this->send('GetModule '.$moduleName); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateModule { my ( $this, $moduleName, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateModule($moduleName, \%newSettings)' unless defined $moduleName && defined $newSettings; $this->send ('UpdateModule '.$moduleName.' '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetModule { my ( $this, $moduleName, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetModule($moduleName, \%newSettings)' unless defined $moduleName && defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetModule '.$moduleName.' '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetQueueSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetQueueSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetQueueSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetQueueSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetQueueSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetSignalSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetSignalSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetSignalSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetSignalSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetSignalSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMediaServerSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetMediaServerSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetMediaServerSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetMediaServerSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetMediaServerSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetSessionSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetSessionSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetSessionSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetSessionSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetSessionSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('SetClusterSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetLogSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetLogSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateLogSettings { my ( $this, $newSettings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateLogSettings(\%newSettings)' unless defined $newSettings; $this->send ('UpdateLogSettings '.$this->printWords($newSettings) ); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetLANIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetLANIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetBlacklistedIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetBlacklistedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClientIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClientIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetWhiteHoleIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetWhiteHoleIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetNATedIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetNATedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetNATSiteIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetNATSiteIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDebugIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetDebugIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDeniedIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetDeniedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetProtection { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetProtection'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetNetwork { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetNetwork'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDNRSettings { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetDNRSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetBanned { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetBanned'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetLANIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetLANIPs("\e192.168.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetLANIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetBlacklistedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetBlacklistedIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetBlacklistedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClientIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClientIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClientIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetWhiteHoleIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetWhiteHoleIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetWhiteHoleIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetNATedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetNATedIPs("\e10.0.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetNATedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetNATSiteIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetNATSiteIPs("\e10.0.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetNATSiteIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetDebugIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDebugIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetDebugIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetDeniedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDeniedIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetDeniedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetProtection { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetProtection(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetProtection '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetNetwork { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetNetwork(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetNetwork '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetDNRSettings { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDNRSettings(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetDNRSettings '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetBanned { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetBanned(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetBanned '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterLANIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterLANIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterBlacklistedIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterBlacklistedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterClientIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterClientIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterWhiteHoleIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterWhiteHoleIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterNATSiteIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterNATSiteIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterDebugIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterDebugIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterDeniedIPs { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterDeniedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterProtection { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterProtection'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterNetwork { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterNetwork'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetClusterBanned { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterBanned'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterLANIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterLANIPs("\e192.168.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterLANIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterBlacklistedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterBlacklistedIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterBlacklistedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterClientIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterClientIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterClientIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterWhiteHoleIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterWhiteHoleIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterWhiteHoleIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterNATedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterNATedIPs("\e10.0.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterNATedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterNATSiteIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterNATSiteIPs("\e10.0.0.1")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterNATSiteIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterDebugIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterDebugIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterDebugIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterDeniedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterDeniedIPs("\e55.66.77.88")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetClusterDeniedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterProtection { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterProtection(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetClusterProtection '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub SetClusterNetwork { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterNetwork(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetClusterNetwork '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetServerRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetClusterRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerMailRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerMailRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerMailRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerMailRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetServerMailRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateServerMailRule { # my ($this, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateServerMailRules(\@rule)' # unless defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateServerMailRule '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub GetServerSignalRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerSignalRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerSignalRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerSignalRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetServerSignalRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateServerSignalRule { # my ($this, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateServerSignalRule(\@rule)' # unless defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateServerSignalRule '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub GetClusterMailRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterMailRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterMailRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterMailRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetClusterMailRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateClusterMailRule { # my ($this, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateClusterMailRule(\@rule)' # unless defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateClusterMailRule '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub GetClusterSignalRules { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterSignalRules'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterSignalRules { my ($this, $rules) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterSignalRules(\@rules)' unless defined $rules; $this->send('SetClusterSignalRules '.$this->printWords($rules)); $this->_parseResponse(); } #sub UpdateClusterSignalRule { # my ($this, $rule) = @_; # croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateClusterSignalRule(\@rule)' # unless defined $rule; # $this->send('UpdateClusterSignalRule '.$this->printWords($rule)); # $this->_parseResponse(); #} sub GetServerSettings { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetServerSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub UpdateServerSettings { my ( $this, $dict ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->UpdateServerSettings(\%settings)' unless defined $dict; $this->send('UpdateServerSettings '.$this->printWords($dict)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RefreshOSData { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('RefreshOSData'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetRouterTable { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetRouterTable'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetRouterTable { my ($this, $table) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetRouterTable("=addr1\@domain.com\\e=addr2\@domain.com\\e")' unless defined $table; $this->send('SetRouterTable '.$this->printWords($table)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetRouterSettings { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetRouterSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetRouterSettings { my ($this, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetRouterSettings(\@settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send('SetRouterSettings '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterRouterTable { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterRouterTable'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterRouterTable { my ($this, $table) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterRouterTable("=addr1\@domain.com\\e=addr2\@domain.com\\e")' unless defined $table; $this->send('SetClusterRouterTable '.$this->printWords($table)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterRouterSettings { my $this = shift; $this->send('GetClusterRouterSettings'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterRouterSettings { my ($this, $settings) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterRouterSettings(\@settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send('SetClusterRouterSettings '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetServerIntercept { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetServerIntercept'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetServerIntercept { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetServerIntercept(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetServerIntercept '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetClusterIntercept { my ( $this ) = @_; $this->send('GetClusterIntercept'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetClusterIntercept { my ( $this, $settings ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetClusterIntercept(\%settings)' unless defined $settings; $this->send ('SetClusterIntercept '.$this->printWords($settings)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub Route { my ($this, $address, $flag) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Route(address[,"mail"])' unless defined $address; my $line='Route '.$address; $line .= ' '.$flag if($flag); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetIPState { my ($this, $address, $flag) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetIPState(address[,"TEMP"])' unless defined $address; my $line='GetIPState '.$address; $line .= ' '.$flag if($flag); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } ############################################# # Monitoring commands sub GetSNMPElement { my ($this, $element) = @_; $this->send('GetSNMPElement '.$element); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetStatElement { my ($this, $element) = @_; $this->send('GetStatElement '.$element); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetStatElement { my ($this, $element, $cmd, $value) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetStatElement(ObjectID,command,value)' unless (defined $element && defined $cmd); my $line = 'SetStatElement '.$element.' '.$cmd; $line.=' '.$value if(defined($value)); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetNextStatName { my ($this, $element) = @_; $this->send('GetNextStatName '.$element); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetDialogInfo { my ($this, $dialogID) = @_; $this->send('GetDialogInfo '.$dialogID); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub Shutdown { my $this = shift; $this->send('SHUTDOWN'); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Statistics commands sub GetAccountStat { my ($this, $account, $key) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetAccountStat($account[,$key])' unless defined $account; my $line = 'GetAccountStat '.$account; $line .= ' Key '.$key if $key; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ResetAccountStat { my ($this, $account, $key) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ResetAccountStat($account[,$key])' unless defined $account; my $line = 'ResetAccountStat '.$account; $line .= ' Key '.$key if $key; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDomainStat { my ($this, $domain, $key) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetDomainStat($domain[,$key])' unless defined $domain; my $line = 'GetDomainStat '.$domain; $line .= ' Key '.$key if $key; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub ResetDomainStat { my ($this, $domain, $key) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ResetDomainStat($domain[,$key])' unless defined $domain; my $line = 'ResetDomainStat '.$domain; $line .= ' Key '.$key if $key; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Directory Administration commands sub ListDirectoryUnits { my ($this, $shared) = @_; my $line = 'ListDirectoryUnits'; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub CreateDirectoryUnit { my ($this, $unitName,$mountPoint,$shared,$remote) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->CreateDirectoryUnit($unitName,$mountPoint,[$shared,[$remote]])' unless defined $unitName && defined $mountPoint; my $line = 'CreateDirectoryUnit '.$unitName; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $line .= ' REMOTE' if $remote; $line .= ' '.$mountPoint; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RelocateDirectoryUnit { my ($this, $unitName,$newMountPoint,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RelocateDirectoryUnit($unitName,$newMountPoint,[$shared])' unless defined $unitName && defined $newMountPoint; my $line = 'RelocateDirectoryUnit '.$unitName; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $line .= ' '.$newMountPoint; } sub DeleteDirectoryUnit { my ($this, $unitName,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->DeleteDirectoryUnit($unitName,[$shared])' unless defined $unitName; my $line = 'DeleteDirectoryUnit '.$unitName; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDirectoryUnit { my ($this, $unitName,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetDirectoryUnit($unitName,[$shared])' unless defined $unitName; my $line = 'GetDirectoryUnit '.$unitName; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDirectoryUnit { my ($this, $unitName,$newSettings,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDirectoryUnit($unitName,$newSettings,[$shared])' unless defined $unitName && defined $newSettings; my $line = 'SetDirectoryUnit '.$unitName; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($newSettings); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetDirectoryAccessRights { my ($this, $shared) = @_; my $line = 'GetDirectoryAccessRights'; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetDirectoryAccessRights { my ($this, $unitName,$newRights,$shared) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetDirectoryAccessRights($newRights,[$shared])' unless defined $newRights; my $line = 'SetDirectoryAccessRights'; $line .= ' SHARED' if $shared; $line .= ' '.$this->printWords($newRights); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } ############################################# # Miscellaneous commands sub ListCLICommands { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('ListCLICommands'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub Noop { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('Noop'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub Echo { my ($this, $params) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->Echo($params)' unless defined $params; $this->send('Echo '.$this->printWords($params)); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetVersion { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetVersion'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetCurrentTime { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetCurrentTime'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetLogAll { my ( $this, $param ) = @_; my $line = 'SetLogAll'; $line .= ' '.$param if($param); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub DumpAllObjects { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('DumpAllObjects'); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub TestLoop { my ($this, $seconds) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->TestLoop($seconds)' unless defined $seconds; $this->send('TestLoop '.$seconds); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetTrace { my ($this, $facility,$param) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetTrace($facility,[ON | OFF])' unless defined $facility; my $line = 'SetTrace '.$facility; $line .= ' '.$param if($param); $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub WriteLog { my ($this, $level, $msg) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->WriteLog($level,$message)' unless defined $level && defined $msg; $this->send('WriteLog '.$level.' '.$this->printWords($msg)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub ReleaseSMTPQueue { my ($this, $queue) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->ReleaseSMTPQueue($queueName)' unless defined $queue; $this->send('ReleaseSMTPQueue '.$this->printWords($queue)); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RejectQueueMessage { my ($this, $msg, $text) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RejectQueueMessage($msgID [,$errorText])' unless defined $msg; my $line = 'RejectQueueMessage '.$msg; $line .= " REPORT ".$this->printWords($text) if $text; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub RejectQueueMessages { my ($this, $account, $text) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->RejectQueueMessages($account [,$errorText])' unless defined $text; my $line = 'RejectQueueMessages SENDER '.$account; $line .= " REPORT ".$this->printWords($text) if $text; $this->send($line); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetMessageQueueInfo { my ($this, $moduleName, $queueName) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->GetMessageQueueInfo($moduleName,$queueName)' unless (defined $moduleName && defined $queueName); my $line = 'GetMessageQueueInfo '.$moduleName.' QUEUE '.$this->printWords($queueName); $this->send($line); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetCurrentController { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetCurrentController'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub GetTempClientIPs { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetTempClientIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub TempBlacklistIP { my ( $this, $address,$timeout ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->TempBlacklistIP("",600)' unless defined $address && defined $timeout; $this->send ('TempBlacklistIP '.$this->printWords($address).' TIMEOUT '.$timeout); $this->_parseResponse(); } sub GetTempBlacklistedIPs { my ($this) = @_; $this->send('GetTempBlacklistedIPs'); return undef unless $this->_parseResponse(); $this->parseWords($this->getWords); } sub SetTempBlacklistedIPs { my ( $this, $addresses ) = @_; croak 'usage CGP::CLI->SetTempBlacklistedIPs("\e222.2.2.2")' unless defined $addresses; $this->send ('SetTempBlacklistedIPs '.$this->printWords($addresses)); $this->_parseResponse(); } ######################################################################### ######################################################################### ## Internal routines sub _setStrangeError { my ($this, $line, $code) = @_; if ($code) { $this->{errCode} = $code; } else { $this->{errCode} = $CGP::CLI_CODE_STRANGE; } $this->{errMsg} = $line; return 0; } sub _parseResponse { my $this = shift; my $responseLine = $this->{theSocket}->getline(); print STDERR "CGP::CLI->_parseResponse::responseLine = $responseLine\n\n" if $this->{'debug'}; $responseLine =~ /^(\d+)\s(.*)$/; return $this->_setStrangeError($responseLine) unless ($1); $this->{errCode} = $1; if($1 == $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK_INLINE) { $this->{'inlineResponse'} = $2; $this->{errMsg} = 'OK'; } else { $this->{errMsg} = $2; chomp($this->{errMsg}); $this->{errMsg} =~ s/\r$//; } $this->{'lastAccess'}=time(); $this->isSuccess; } sub convertOutput { my $data = $_[0]; my $translate = $_[1]; if(!defined($data)) { return '#NULL#'; } elsif(ref($data) eq 'HASH') { my $outp='{'; #$outp.="\n"; foreach (sort keys %$data) { my $value=@$data{$_}; $outp .= convertOutput($_,$translate).'='.convertOutput($value,$translate).';'; #$outp.="\n"; } $outp.= '}'; #$outp.="\n"; return $outp; } elsif(ref($data) eq 'ARRAY') { my $outp='('; my $first=1; foreach (@$data) { if(!$first) { $outp.=','; } else { $first=0; } $outp.=convertOutput($_,$translate); } $outp.= ')'; return $outp; } else { return '""' if($data eq ''); if($data =~ /[^\w\d_\@\.-]/ ) { if($translate) { $data =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $data =~ s/"/\\"/g; $data =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $data =~ s/\r/\\r/g; $data =~ s/\t/\\t/g; $data =~ s/([\x00-\x1F\x7F])/'\\'.('0'x(3-length(ord($1)))).ord($1)/ge; } return '"' . $data . '"'; } else { return $data; } } } sub printWords { my ($this,$data)= @_; return convertOutput($data,$this->{'translateStrings'}); } sub strip { my $line = shift; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; return $line; } sub getWords { my $this = shift; if($this->{errCode} == $CGP::CLI_CODE_OK_INLINE) { return $this->{'inlineResponse'}; } my ($bag, $line) = ('', ''); my $firstLine = 1; my $lastLine = ''; while (1) { $line = $this->{theSocket}->getline(); chomp $line; $line = strip($line); if($firstLine) { $line =~ /^(.)/; if ($1) { $lastLine = '\)' if $1 eq '('; $lastLine = '\}' if $1 eq '{'; $lastLine = $lastLine . '$'; $firstLine = 0; } } $bag .= $line; last if $line =~ /$lastLine/; } return $bag; } sub send { my ($this, $command) = @_; if(time()-$this->{'lastAccess'} > $CGP::TIMEOUT || !($this->{theSocket}) || $this->{theSocket}->error()) { $this->{theSocket}->shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) if($this->{theSocket}); unless($this->connect()) { die "Failure: Can't reopen CLI connection"; } } $this->{currentCGateCommand} = $command; print STDERR ref($this) . "->send($command)\n\n" if $this->{'debug'}; $this->{'lastAccess'}=time(); print {$this->{theSocket}} $command."\012"; } ########################### sub skipSpaces { my $this = shift; while($this->{'span'} < $this->{'len'} && substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) =~ /\s/) { ++$this->{'span'}; } } sub readWord { my $this = shift; my ($isQuoted,$isBlock,$isUnkData)=(0,0,0); my $result=""; $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq '"') { $isQuoted=1; ++$this->{'span'}; } elsif(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq '[') { $isBlock=1; } elsif(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},2) eq '#(') { $isUnkData=1; $result='#('; $this->{'span'}+=2; } elsif(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},3) eq '#I[') { #$isUnkData=1; $result='#I['; $this->{'span'}+=3; } while($this->{'span'} < $this->{'len'}) { my $ch=substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1); if($isQuoted) { if($ch eq '\\') { if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'}+1,3) =~ /^(?:\"|\\|\d\d\d)/) { $ch=substr($this->{'data'},++$this->{'span'},3); if($ch =~ /\d\d\d/) { $this->{'span'}+=2; $ch=chr($ch); } else { $ch=substr($ch,0,1); $ch='\\'.$ch unless($this->{'translateStrings'}); } } } elsif($ch eq '"') { ++$this->{'span'}; $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq '"') { ++$this->{'span'}; } else { last; } } } elsif($isBlock) { if($ch eq ']') { ++$this->{'span'}; $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq '[') { ++$this->{'span'}; } else { $result .= ']'; last; } } } elsif($isUnkData) { if($ch eq ')') { $result .= $ch; ++$this->{'span'}; $this->skipSpaces(); last; } } elsif($ch =~ /[-a-zA-Z0-9\x80-\xff_\.\@\!\#\%\]\:]/) { } else { last; } $result .= $ch; ++$this->{'span'}; } return $result; } sub readKey() { my $this = shift; return $this->readWord(); } sub readXML { my $this = shift; my $startSpan=$this->{'span'}; for(;;) { $this->readXMLElem(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) ne '<') { last; } else { $this->{'span'}++; } } return substr($this->{'data'},$startSpan-1,$this->{'span'}-$startSpan+1); } sub readXMLElem { my $this = shift; my $element=undef; my $endPos=index($this->{'data'},'>',$this->{'span'}); if($endPos<$this->{'span'}-1) { croak "XML parsing error:",substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'}-1,100); } if(substr($this->{'data'},$endPos-1,1) eq '/') { # $this->{'span'}=$endPos+1; return; } if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1)=~/[\!\?]/) { # {'span'}=$endPos+1; return; } unless(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},$endPos - $this->{'span'}+1) =~/(.+?)[ \>]/) { croak "XML reading error:",substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'}-1,100); } $element=$1; #print "endElement=$1\n"; $this->{'span'}=$endPos+1; #print "parsed=".substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},10)."\n"; $this->{'span'}++ while($this->{'span'} < $this->{'len'} && substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) ne '<'); while($this->{'span'} < $this->{'len'}) { if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},$this->{'len'} - $this->{'span'})=~/^\<\/$element\>/) { #found closing element my $endPos=index($this->{'data'},'>',$this->{'span'}+1); $this->{'span'}=$endPos+1; return; } $this->{'span'}++; $this->readXMLElem(); } } sub readValue() { my $this = shift; $this->skipSpaces(); my $ch=substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1); if($ch eq '{') { ++$this->{'span'}; return $this->readDictionary(); } elsif($ch eq '(') { ++$this->{'span'}; return $this->readArray(); } elsif($ch eq '<') { ++$this->{'span'}; return $this->readXML(); } else { return $this->readWord(); } } sub readArray() { my $this = shift; my $result=[]; while($this->{'span'}<$this->{'len'}) { $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq ')') { ++$this->{'span'}; last; } else { my $theValue=$this->readValue(); $this->skipSpaces(); push(@$result,$theValue); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq ',') { ++$this->{'span'}; } elsif(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq ')') { } else { croak "CGPro output format error:",substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},10); } } } return $result; } sub readDictionary { my $this = shift; my $result={}; while($this->{'span'} < $this->{'len'}) { $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) eq '}') { ++$this->{'span'}; last; } else { my $theKey=$this->readKey(); $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) ne '=') { croak "CGPro output format error:",substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},10); } ++$this->{'span'}; @$result{$theKey}=$this->readValue(); $this->skipSpaces(); if(substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},1) ne ';') { croak "CGPro output format error:",substr($this->{'data'},$this->{'span'},10); } ++$this->{'span'}; } } return $result; } sub parseWords { my $this = shift; $this->{'data'}=shift; $this->{'span'}=0; $this->{'len'}=length($this->{'data'}); return $this->readValue(); } 1;